Nostalgic Notes
"I Love Hearing Old Music I Used To Love. They Are Like Old Memories You Can Always Go Back To." - Unknown As the title suggests, nostalgic notes mean the tracks that we heard and played on the radio a hundred times during our childhood/teenage years. When listening to older songs, the beat, voice and the entire song, in general, is less edited and as a result produces better music than the majority of the modernised genres out there today. New, modern music has the same beat, tempo, style, etc. What makes old music so unique is how original each song is. A lot of modern songs sound the same, probably because the same style is taken from another artist. Old music has a style that fits the personality and individuality of the artist. Although modern music pleases our minds and gets us in a party mood, but in the bygone songs there was a strong social or personal message that truly connects people with its lyrics rather than just by beats. Many a time there were hidden messa...